The guy Brit made famous says you should be a nerd. In China, every student learns computer programming. In the U.S., less than 5%. We can fix this. Visit Starring Mark Zuckerberg, Bill Gates, … […]
Tag: Status Updates
To paraphrase (that’s egghead for misquote) Peter S. Beagle: “Always be yourself. Unless you can be Britney Spears. Then always be Britney Spears. In rare cases you can even be both.” […]
Movie facts: 1) You can quite accurately time-wise place any movie produced within the last 5 years by which model iPhone is inevitably shown. 2) Playing Britney Spears in the background tends to improve the tense scenes where the background music goes quiet. […]
How to sell Kinder products, Russian style: have three pretty and scantily clad chicks to gather attention. That’s it. That’s the entire marketing ploy. No free samples or other such roundabout techniques. Ok, that might also work elsewhere, but I doubt you’d attract (heh!) your intended target audience. […]
It’s fun how “everybody does it” is a bad excuse in traffic but a good excuse in programming. […]
When your job is selling ice cream in a non-touristic part of Moscow on a chilly and rainy day after 6 pm, chances are you made a shitty choice at some point in your life. MichaelTime person of the year 2006, Nobel Peace Prize winner 2012. […]