50 brilliant pub chalkboards

50 brilliant pub chalkboardsMay 6, 2013TweetThese fine drinking establishments went the extra mile in their attempts to entice customers in off the street with their sparkling chalk-scrawled creations.1. The flowchart [via]2. Anti-social media [via]3. 9 reasons to drink in this bar [via]4. Bonus gif… http://shar.es/xG27P […]

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Springer Science voor €3,3 mrd verkocht

Interesting for most people in science; Springer sold: De Duitse uitgever Springer Science & Business Media, waar de Nederlander Derk Haank aan het roer staat, is voor €3,3 mrd verkocht aan private-equitybedrijf BC Partners. http://fd.nl/ondernemen/686253-1306/springer-science-voor-33-mrd-verkocht […]

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