Is it a hate crime if I murder purely based on physical attributes because I am inconvenienced? Or more like a hatred opportunity?nnThis dumb fuck of a thorny tree is going down. I’m fricking tired of my arms getting all fucked up every time I trim it.nn#TreeGenocide #HateCrime #HatredOpportunity […]

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Business idea: spray-on SSD. It’s a can that you can spray on your computer to upgrade it to having a SSD.nnAfter my fusion drive split up (fission drive?), I’ve been living in mechanical hard drive hell like some 80s kid, and I can’t be bothered to take my computer to an Apple retailer nor to […]

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I wonder where we went wrong as a species. We possess the technology to completely eradicate mosquitoes, yet we have hitherto chosen not use this power. It would wildly benefit people in areas with malaria, but more importantly it would make my poor legs and arms and everything much less itchy! #MosquitoHolocaustNow […]

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