I had this piece of e-mail correspondence with some fool who wanted one of my papers (read bottom up, as we both top-reply; he because he’s an idiot, I because I answered on my iPad while drunk):
2 points for style, 5 points for cluelessness and 3 points for completely missing my sarcasm, for a total of 10 of out 10 Alicia Silverstones!
For the uninitiated, here is a clickable version of the link: http://lmgtfy.com/?q=The+Access%2FCPN+Framework%3A+A+Tool+for+Interacting+with+the+CPN+Tools+Simulator. Yep, I sent that exact link even though I could have tinyurl’ed it.
And for those not getting the Alicia Silverstone reference check out the below:
(yeah, I’m an ass.)
Time person of the year 2006, Nobel Peace Prize winner 2012.