Fusion cooking is more than Borscht & Baguette

I, too, used to think that “fusion cooking” was mostly a pretentious way of saying Borscht & Baguette. Now I finally fully understand what Britney Spears was singing about all those years.

I was nearing the last chapter of a Monday whose highlight was when I discovered that not only did I forget to bring a clean t-shirt and had to spend all day in the shirt I slept and biked 40 km in, the same shirt would turn more or less transparent when wet – did I mention the rain and hail on the bike ride?

It was when I started cooking dinner, I finally discovered the proverbial “winning” Charlie Sheen was always going on about. The hearts over the i’s. The yin to my chickpea/cocoa bread’s yang: home-made hummus made with French truffle mayo instead of olive oil. Of course based on tahini that’s likewise home-made and based on truffle mayo. Yum!


And this is a non-vegetarian version of same:


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