So, it seems restaurant week is coming up again (and one just ended a couple days ago…). Anybody up for, say, Restaurant Wiesen? It’s March 5-15. Monday the 9th is a no-go due to Katy Perry in Ziggo Dome. Dunno if they’re on the list, but it could be fun if they are. Pre-booking starts […]

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So, what do other expats reply when asked where they’re from or about their nationality? When asked in NL, I typically respond “originally from Denmark, but living in Eindhoven for 4 years” (I have not entirely come to terms with the fact that it’s half a decade in just a few months.) Also, sometimes the […]

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Fusion cooking is more than Borscht & Baguette

I, too, used to think that “fusion cooking” was mostly a pretentious way of saying Borscht & Baguette. Now I finally fully understand what Britney Spears was singing about all those years. I was nearing the last chapter of a Monday whose highlight was when I discovered that not only did I forget to bring […]

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