Intergalactic Michaelpedia of the World

If you would like a lot of spam (and why wouldn’t you), just register a .pink domain. Since registering less than a week ago, I’ve received an illiteral metric fuck-ton of logo design offers and the like. Oh yeah, .pink domains are things that exist. […]

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What are good simple partitioning algorithms? I have complete knowledge of how a set of input variables are transformed into output variables, and want to derive a small/smallest decision tree for deciding output values from input values. The matching must be accurate. I’ve a feeling that smallest = NP, but there must be something that […]

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Output is Just Input with the Opposite Sign

It’s been a while since I last posted about my model-based testing tool, the MBT Workbench.  That is mostly because last time, we finished something really cool (a fully working chain resulting in web-services getting called), and the big bunch of very samey user-interface coding I had to do get further was a lot less […]

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