Too much?

Too much? On the one hand, there’s no such thing, but on the other hand, setting fire to Britney is heresy. The fire, bad as it is looking, of course is animated. I cannot believe I spent valuable PhD research time implementing animated flames hugging an arbitrary image, but there you go (also, I totally […]

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Online Bibliotheek: 10 miljoenste e-book uitgeleend | Koninklijke Bibliotheek

Neat. Fun fact, I discovered this by accident while working on something entirely unrelated. […]

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ClippyJS – Add Clippy or his friends to any website for instant nostalgia

While digging thru old files yesterday, I found all kinds of gaudy UI shenanigans I made during my PhD (so don’t tell me money spent on higher education is wasted). Aside from common hot-at-the-time things like pie menus and gradients (so many gradients!), I also found my own Java implementation of a Clippy clone. If […]

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