Britney Spears Teases ‘Huge Announcement’ on ‘Ellen’: Watch

Before we get our hopes up for “Ten,” let’s consider how much more likely it’s just 1) she’s preggers or 2) another perfume because we need another “curious” or “fantasy.” […]

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Apparently, the collective noun for “drones” is “congregation,” though that seems to be for the male bee type of drones. I think helicopterier drones are more crow-like, so the collective for the electronic kind of drones should be murder. “Is that a murder drones coming straight at us?” Yeah! Similarly, there’s no accepted collective noun […]

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Yesterday, iTunes alerted me to Uma Kompton. I’m at the same time sad I didn’t hear of her before and elated that the same internet that gave us Justine Bieber, Carl Rae Jepsen, Rebecca Black, and Poppy also can give us something(?) like Uma. She definitely found her musical style early and is sticking to […]

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