Just shoot me. Now all the recruiters that used to spam jobs with “internet of things” and/or cloud have added “blockchain to the mix. It’s just a slow badly functioning database! […]
Author: status
Posts by status
Two positives abort this rosé: 1) it was free, and 2) the colors matches my clothes. One negative: 1) the taste matches the price. […]
There’s a bunch of very loud drunk kids on the train. Looking around me, I’m certain I’m not the only one to quietly think to myself that I wonder whether they are drunk already or drunk still…? Given their energy, my money is on the former. Which is sad. When I was young, drunk and […]
Whenever the beginning of Dirty Sexy Money comes on, I confuse Charli XCX for Justin Bieber. Then the song gets better so you can recognize Charli. Fun fact: when I typed in this insightful post, I automatically typed in Justine Bieber and was confused for far too long why Facebook wouldn’t tag her. […]
I am now a cryptology expert
I am now a cryptology expert. I just ordered 3 real bitcoins in pure solid gold, silver and copper. up, uP, UP to the moon! […]
I’m working with Java’s BigDecimal type and mentally pretend it’s named by some crazy conspiracy theorist who believes that the use of base-10 is orchestrated by nefarious commercial interests. […]