I think I’ve reached a point where my Dutch language lessons stem equally from analysis document and past-midnight pub conversation. I am not sure which has the worse influence. […]
Author: status
Posts by status
Just noticed that 2, 3 and 5 TB 2.5″ harddisks are now a thing. Anybody got experience with whether they are reliable yet? […]
Not gonna lie – the chapters of my social science book written by psychology professors are roughly one britnillion times more interesting than those written by a professor of dirt or student of Stalin. […]
Virtual Garden 2000
Facebook says today is the first day of Spring, and, ho boy, have I got a multimedia treat for you to celebrate! Experience the excitement of watching grass grow with all the personality of talking to a potted plant! 24/7 live stream watching my garden grow at the speed of light. Bonus feature: during the […]
Facebook says today is the first day of Spring, and, ho boy, have I got a multimedia treat for you to celebrate! Experience the excitement of watching grass grow with all the personality of talking to a potted plant! 24/7 live stream watching my garden grow at the speed of light. Bonus feature: during the […]
Wishlist: Image Pipeline and Storage
I’m playing around with multiple ideas in the IoT world currently because I’m trying to collect 200 millistarbucks ((A millistarbucks is a measure of hipsterness I developed. It is defined as 1000 millistarbucks is an entire Starbucks full of hipsters on MacBooks.)) of hipster Dictionary. For this I am looking for two things: image pipelining […]