Hey, crypto-nerds. Anybody got a good solution to the following? I need to authenticate a bunch of devices against a server and then set up an encrypted channel. Catch is that the devices are very simple, so the encryption cannot be too expensive, and I probably have to code the protocol myself in C (and […]
Author: status
Posts by status
Now would be a good time for Apple to do a little introspection, and realize the new Mac OS needs multiple editions. A King’s Quest Edition. A Hero’s Quest Edition. A Police Quest Edition. A Space Quest Edition. A Leisure Suit Larry Edition. And if you do a wrong operation in any of them, you […]
I set my oven to 180°C to bake a bread. Now it’s complaining that it cannot cool that much. […]
UI Horror: iOS X
Note: this is baed on a preview of iOS X; the behavior outlined has changed slightly in one of the earlier betas and might change again before final release. hopefully will change before the final release, because this it literally worse than Hitler. Apple has been struggling with widgets for ages. As in Android has […]
It’s a very real possibility that those translating the bible just suck at prepositions. With this in mind, we can reinterpret “If a man lies to a male as to a woman, both of them have committed an abomination,” as no longer homophobic but rather sexist. You go Christianity, you sexist OR homophobic anachronism. […]
The Same Picture Of Steve Buscemi Every Day
Finally something useful for your Facebook feed! https://www.facebook.com/SamePictureofSteveBuscemiEveryday/ […]