Henceforth, I shall misabuse the word “misabuse” in place of “use.” And I’ll insist that “use” is archaic and people should just learn to count negations modulo two. […]
Author: status
Posts by status
Why do vacation auto-responders contain “thank you for your mail?” Nobody is happy to receive mail. Here’s a new template you can copy and paste instead of that: Dear Sender, I’m off and I’m not going to read your mail. When I get back, I plan to spend all morning looking at vacation photos during […]
WSJ had an article about when women should go sleeveless. For the benefit of all men who might have the same doubt, here’s Michael’s handy guide for if men should wear anything without sleeves: No. Unless you’re a domestic abuser, and even then only sparingly. […]
This Woman Recreated Britney Spears’s Album Art in Her Office Bathroom
http://www.cosmopolitan.com/style-beauty/fashion/a61415/britney-spears-cover-parody/ […]
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Trending on Yahoo
I have no idea how, but apparently I have a Yahoo mail account. By accident I clicked that from Yahoo Finance and noted they have a “Topics Trending on Yahoo.” Putting aside that’s a bit like “the friendliest nazi,” “least annoying baby,” or “healthiest ice cream,” it redeems itself a bit by having the always […]