Author: status
Posts by status
Sometimes, life is a choice between Aguilera or AIDS. For example, these days I have to choose between getting eaten alive by mosquitoes or sleeping in a 30°C room. Except, mine is probably worse because it is happening to me, […]
Holy Britney! Just discovered, my YouTube account is almost 7 years old. That’s longer than most cats live. At least in the countryside, where they tend to have intimate meetings with tractors. […]
Manual Work
Today, I did some cleaning around and further construction of the bar. The latest picture of the bar I posted looks like this: In the meantime, the fridge has been moved next to the back end, and some shelves have been half-installed. I first mounted the shelves completely, and started filling […]
Inside of front
Special features: 1) we’re no longer one of those third world one-beer-tap-only households, and 2) I found a sensible use for the Cantillon sticky tape I stole obtained by legal means at the last visit to the brewery. Still left: top part, electrical installations and light. Those will have to wait. […]
PSA: washing floors is even less fun when your Scooba is broken. And it’s not like the bar was very high from the outset. […]