I got my iPad fixed! Or, well I got a charger after I forgot the other one… somewhere… last week. Probably at work. Apparently Steve lied to us and it doesn’t run solely on magic. That, or somebody killed the unicorns. […]
Author: status
Posts by status
New record: Eindhoven station -> beer at the gate (including getting a bottle of whisky): 1 hour 50 minutes. […]
Life is full of difficult decisions… just put on NKOTBSB, but it is Friday and leaving Ms Black behind seems wrong. Also, Caro Emerald’s new album just became available. […]
Considered bringing checked luggage for beer, but then remembered it’s quite difficult to get strong, hoppy stouts in greater Eindhoven. […]
I noted something funny
Because it’s Thursday and I’d rather sit at home instead of going quizzing, I noted something funny. If my ability to read Russian amounts to anything (it doesn’t really), the Internet bank for ВТБ24 (my Russian bank) is designed by Art Lebedev in 2007. Surely doesn’t look like a 2007 design to me. And it’s […]
McDonald’s Theory — What I Learned Building…
Hey, somebody has a name for how I work. Maybe that’s why people always get scared when I suggest how to get started on a project. I use a trick with co-workers when we’re trying to decide where to eat for lunch and no one has any ideas. I recommend McDonald’s. An inter… http://feedly.com/k/YcaxIs […]
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