I’m not entirely sure what this left-overs thing I made for dinner is, except I know it’s French: it contains wine and cheese, and is a bit of a chicken. […]
Category: Status Updates
Theory: when people claim that “curiosity killed the cat,” they are not talking about some sentient Mars-Roomba with murderous tendencies, but rather try to cover up their own psychopathic tendencies and the fact that they themselves put kitty in the microwave. […]
Everybody’s releasing new music this year. Today Sumo Cyco (if you back their PledgeMusic campaign). Anti-Anthem is pretty neat – a bit softer than their previous stuff. […]
Anybody looking for an Apple Watch? Got one to spare, 38mm aluminum. You can choose from a selection comprising a girly baby blue arm band and 3 different manly pink ones. […]
So, it seems I have those snails everybody with gardens are complaining about. Apparently, evolution didn’t teach them that animals have basically two chances of survival: be cute or be tasty. And being tasty only buys you time. I presume those fuckers are responsible for the holocaust of my ball pepper plants, so I decided […]
I think it’s time to switch super markets. Albert Heijn is just getting worse and worse. Today, I had to tell the poor cashier-kid I did not want to participate in no less than 4 promotions (koopzegels, airmiles, restaurantzegels, and regular bonuskaart). Plus tell her I didn’t want a receipt. […]