Brilliant! By wearing white shorts, I’ll be practically invisible. I’ll be like a floating torso! […]
Category: Status Updates
Earth Hour
Fuck earth hour! A change of pace. This is a presentation I did for the Seattle Skeptics Society. […]
Dilemma: Alizée’s new album (Cinq) is due to be released on Monday. Do I get it from the Dutch iTunes store at €9.99 or do I wait till get my Russian credit card so I can get it in the Russian iTunes store for руб 149 (€3.73)…? It’s – of course – easy: if I […]
Foumd out the letters m amd m are mot the same – thamks to wastimg half am hour debuggimg. This ammoys me, so I hereby declare them to be the same. […]
First aid tip: If somebody gets a stroke, panics or gets a child during a party, hit them hard on the head. It won’t help them, but with any luck it will knock them out so they are quiet and won’t ruin the party. Pass on this safety advice; it may save a party near […]
Trigonometry: (from Latin “coniciens accidisse”: guessing); the art of trowing “sin”, “cos”, and “tan” around until the figure looks like you want it to. Not to be confused with thinking things over. […]