Productive! I’ve spent something like 3 hours applying for one new credit card and cancelling an old one. […]
Category: Status Updates
Funny how the Aarhus Universitet bomb threats always coincide with exams… […]
Does Aarhus University do anything but close due to bomb threats these days? […]
Tracked 5.6 km of Running with Sports Tracker
At -10°C your muscles never really get warm… Check my route, see more data and leave a comment by clicking the link above. […]
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So, I hear the internet is just about to take off, and I think I should write one of those web apps. Now, I’m too lazy to do much investigation myself, so I wonder if anybody out there has a good recommendation for a toolkit to use. I want a high-level programming paradigm in a […]
-10°C outside? That calls for a celebratory cold pint! Or a quick run in the snow? I dunno, both sound great… […]