Happy Valentin’s day! The day where we celebrate that 881 years ago today, the noble king Valentein of Preussia finally got the new Doris Day album and celebrated by marrying another 17 goats from the mountains of Friesland; as was custom n those days, with chocolate for the slaves and flowers for the poor. Happy […]
Category: Status Updates
Economy lesson: if you take x money from A to give to B and call it taxation, only to decide in the future to take y \u003C x money from A to give to B, you are not taking money from B to give to A, you just take less from A. I invite all […]
Apple lowering price of MBP + Michael bored = impulse purchases. Anybody wanna buy a 13″ MBP early 2011 (8 GB RAM, 256 GB SSD)? […]
Kamer wil einde pop-ups cookiewet
Finally! This is a retarded law only making the internet more annoying. DEN HAAG – De Tweede Kamer wil dat er een eind komt aan pop-upvensters waarbij gebruikers toestemming moeten geven voor het gebruik van cookies. http://www.nu.nl/internet/3192643/kamer-wil-einde-pop-ups-cookiewet.html […]
Weee. Got an e-mail saying my LinkedIn profile is among the 5% most viewed. In related news, 19 in 20 LinkedIn profiles are fake. […]
I propose that Microsoft release a version of Exchange for small businesses and dub it sExchange. It’s gonna be as hilarious as the Windows CE/ME/NT naming triple of yesterdecdennium. […]