Oe paper Dow, 7 to go. Wonder if I can make it before I get drunk 😉 […]
Category: Status Updates
Another way I’m like Jesus: I can turn beer into urine. […]
Anybody wanna go check if they still are arrogant incompetent jerks at Avant Garde? They have an offer for 5 courses with matching wines (1 glass/course) for €95 until sometime in April. […]
2 hours of sleep. A luxury when you have kids. Unfortunately, I’m the childish one around here and there’s little reason to believe I’ll grow up soon. […]
So, why not comment on the attempt on Lars Hedegaard? I think the attempt is despicable and whoever is responsible should be put in prison, preferably until death. Attacking to kill anybody for exercising they right to speech is inexcusable in cannot be tolerated. If somebody says something you disagree with, take it up with […]
So, why not comment on the attempt on Lars Hedegaard? I think the attempt is despicable and whoever is responsible should be put in prison, preferably until death. Attacking to kill anybody for exercising they right to speech is inexcusable in cannot be tolerated. If somebody says something you disagree with, take it up with […]