It’s now almost a year ago I got my Apple Watch. Originally, I found it a quite silly idea, and mostly got it because I found the idea of the iPad equally silly when it was first released, but would have a hard time without my tablet today. The biggest thing I wanted from the […]
Category: Uncategorized
Is Google’s Go-bot a Breakthrough for Artificial Intelligence?
If you know Betteridge’s Law of Headlines, you immediately know the answer is “no.” The answer, much like kids, is not really the interesting part however; what is interesting is the process of getting there. Go, like chess and most other games, has been conceptually solved for many years. So many that I as a […]
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Internet of Curtains version 0.1

My outside curtain box has reached its first prototype. If you recall my post about IoT, I am working on a box that can control my outside blinds and also send a ton of sensor data back to a command center. For my first prototype, I was focusing on the high-voltage power. Here’s where the […]
Internet of Shoddily-made Things

I’ll outline what has changed since last time I wrote about the Internet of Things and which projects I’m currently working on. I call it projects, because then it’s as uncommitted as an analyst projection or a hipster working on their manuscript. […]
Rape is Probably not a Good Thing
I know the title of this post is probably a very controversial opinion, but hear me out. You might have noticed that the past week I’ve been posting a lot of things about Ke$ha using the tags #FreeKesha or #IStandWithKesha. It’s not about a singer who was sort-of famous 5 years ago being on sale, […]
More Kickstarter
Just helped a scammy Kickstarter with some more excuses for why they have not been able to ship. It feels like I’m starting to run out of steam… MichaelTime person of the year 2006, Nobel Peace Prize winner 2012. […]