The fuck!?! It’s way past 9 and this is important! […]
Tag: Gadgets
Worth it
Sure, we may have left millions hungry for another year and let carbon emissions increase, possibly beyond the point of no return, but I don’t think anybody would contest it was worth it to have top scientists work hard on coming up with the most tacky phone cover so far! The purple glitter wine moves […]
Evolution not Revolution
Not gonna lie, evolution is probably a more precise term than revolution to describe the new version. […]
Window Cleaning

Conjecture: everything can be gadgetized. It's a good thing. […]
UI Horror: iOS X

Note: this is based on a (fairly late) preview of iOS X; the behavior outlined has changed slightly in one of the earlier betas and might change again before final release. Hopefully this will change again before the final release, because the current behavior is literally worse than Stalin. Apple has been struggling with widgets for […]
One Year with the Apple Watch
It’s now almost a year ago I got my Apple Watch. Originally, I found it a quite silly idea, and mostly got it because I found the idea of the iPad equally silly when it was first released, but would have a hard time without my tablet today. The biggest thing I wanted from the […]