This may be the most niche post in the history of the internet. Nay, since the invention of the wheel. Make that since the invention of time. So, CPN Tools is written in Beta. Beta is a programming language made Ole Lehrmann Madsen, Kristen Nygaard ((Of Simula fame. He was also one of the inventors of object oriented […]
Category: Uncategorized
I am the only one that sees this logo as… […]
A Poem
Somebody – and I’m fairly certain it wasn’t number one, so it must’ve been Gaby or Dirk – made a box of words with magnets on them manifest itself on the top of our fridge: Not one to waste a chance of expressing my pompous artistic skills decided to make a poem: For those who […]
Britney at Roskilde?
I’m certainly hoping so. In any case, I got a ticket and expect to redo my smart move from last year of first going to the Petri nets conference (and/or CAiSE) and then with only one night’s sleep go to Roskilde for a week of camping and listening to music (that unfortunately has a high […]
Nuke the Site From Orbit!
It’s the only way to be sure! Amazon suggested I get a Greatest Hits album with Xtina! KILL IT WITH FIRE! (Yeah, don’t do anything to Amazon, it’s just a joke! – I still say they owe me for the trauma, though.) MichaelTime person of the year 2006, Nobel Peace Prize winner 2012. […]
Using Declarative Workflow Modeling to Achieve True Happiness
Presentation I’ll give at ITU on Thursday. Now with both Britney and BSB. MichaelTime person of the year 2006, Nobel Peace Prize winner 2012. […]
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