A couple days ago, I wrote about my idea for an API for CPNs, CPNaaS. I’ve now gotten around to starting specifying the API. The service comprises 4 APIs and one tentative API: the specification and syntax check API, the simulation API, the simulation-based analysis API, and the state-space-based verification API. In addition, I’m planning […]
Tag: CPN Tools
CPNaaS – Colored Petri Nets as a Service
I’ve a ton of great ideas for things to do with Petri nets. Colored nets in particular. CPN Tools ships with a great simulator, which is both fast and versatile. Unfortunately, it is extremely cumbersome to use. Therefore, I am working on a great project I like to cal CPNaaS – Colored Petri Nets as […]
Teaser: A Modern Setup for CPN Tools

The past time I’ve been working on setting up a modern infrastructure for CPN Tools. It’s not done yet – I’ll post on this site when it is ready – but here are some teasers. First of all, modern distributed version control with Gitlab: Continuous integration and cross-compiling on 3 platforms where applicable using Jenkins: […]
Custom Dining Philosophers Visualization in CPN Tools using Simulator Extensions

User-contributed simulator extension making neat visualizations in CPN Tools. Here we see the dining philosophers with a pedagogical illustration all running inside CPN Tools. MichaelTime person of the year 2006, Nobel Peace Prize winner 2012. westergaard.eu/ […]
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CPN Tools 4.0.1 and Windows 10
I made a fresh new version of CPN Tools, version 4.0.1. The change over 4.0.0 is a freshly compiled simulator compiled with the newest SML/NJ (version 110.78) and the newest version of Cygwin. This should hopefully remove problems with newer versions of Windows (except they are still, even with the OS X aspiring Windows 10 […]
CPN Tools 4 Extensions: Part 5: Extension Overview
Note: This is just a partial post. It has been hiding in my posting queue for more than a year, and I finally decided to just publish it as is, as it is highly unlikely I’ll finish it. This is the last part on CPN Tools 4, at least for the time being. Here, I’ll […]
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