I'm still making slides for the ASAP tutorial. Or, rather, I'm still making heaps of videos. The below videos shows how to use the sweep-line method in ASAP, how to change the safety checker to instead use the sweep-line method, and how to draw and export the state space graph. These videos are a bit […]
Tag: CPN Tools
Tutorial on ASAP
I'm currently working on a tutorial for ASAP, the tool I'm working on at work. The tutorial is a mixture of slides and video demonstrations. You can see the four videos, I've currently done below: MichaelTime person of the year 2006, Nobel Peace Prize winner 2012. westergaard.eu/ […]
Model Demo

Shows simple execution of a dead-locking Dining Philosophers example created using coloured Petri nets in CPN Tools. MichaelTime person of the year 2006, Nobel Peace Prize winner 2012. westergaard.eu/ […]
Legacy Code
I’m currently working on making CPN Tools, a tool for editing and simulating coloured Petri nets (CP-nets or CPNs), work on Windows 7 64-bit versions.
Problem the first: Nobody has compiled CPN Tools in 2-3 years. In order to compile, we need a specially patched version of the Beta compiler and the linker from Microsoft Visual Studio 6.
Problem the fourth: The crap didn’t run. I even tested the file before making the build image. All I got was a “Beta Execution Aborted, Reference is NONE” (basically a null-pointer error or segmentation fault). […]