Doing a tool demonstration at the Petri nets conference. All the others had posters, so I made a low-effort one… MichaelTime person of the year 2006, Nobel Peace Prize winner 2012. […]
Tag: Grade/CPN
Software I Maintain
I maintain quite a bit of software. A month ago or so, Wil asked me to give an overview of the software for some exciting ((Not exciting.)) mid-term evaluation report. As such, I decided to make a simple architecture diagram, and even simplified it turned to not be so simple. Today, I was to give […]
Grade/CPN: Semi-automatic Support for Teaching CP-nets
Presentation I’m going to give at PNSE early next week. Be there or be an equilateral quadrangle. See more about Grade/CPN on the CPN Tools homepage. (The slides are subject to minor changes; changes will be applied to the embedded version without further notice.) MichaelTime person of the year 2006, Nobel Peace Prize winner 2012. […]
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Grade/CPN Student Tester
I’ve already written a bit about Grade/CPN (previously named, a.o., “Oops!… I Did It Again” and “I Want It That Way”). Here is a demo of one component of the tool, the Student Tester. MichaelTime person of the year 2006, Nobel Peace Prize winner 2012. […]
Grade/CPN Student Tester

This video demonstrates the Grade/CPN Student Tester. MichaelTime person of the year 2006, Nobel Peace Prize winner 2012. […]