Tag: Images
I’m sure people from Denmark will appreciate this…
Fun. I’m sure a bunch of people from Denmark will appreciate this… also, Sunday, Trentemöller and Den Sorte Skole at Effenaar. […]
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Time’s running out…
Time’s running out, but so is my todo list… […]
More Renders of Bar

If you’re a regular reader ((And if you’re not, you should be!)), you have probable already seen my previous renders of our home bar and maybe even the pictures of the near-end result. A thing missing is that the bar was built with elements in my interior design program. In reality, though, it is built […]
Boom! I’m now unemployed. That’s what you call it when you are down to one part-time job, one company, and your investments, no? Luckily, I go back to 4 jobs in a week or two. […]
Autograph wall 2.0
Left to right and top to bottom: Melanie C (from The Spice Girls), 4* Rebecca Black, Destinee & Paris, Britney Spears, Sharleen Spiteri (from Texas), DJ Havana Brown, Backstreet Boys, and Aqua. […]