A yet unknown Dali

Yes, Mr Chinese poster. You found a yet unknown Dali. Heck, even I recognize Persistence of Memory… I hope it’s followed up with an unknown da Vinci featuring a lady with a mysterious smile. Or a mysterious van Gogh with some badly drawn sunflowers or a dude with a beard. A Munch seemingly inspired by […]

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Pink chocolate

I was doing research to find out whether pink chocolate was a thing. Turns out, it isn’t really. I did learn it’s a band name, and the designation of several clothing and make-up brands. Anyway, long story short: now I want to get myself a chocolate fountain. And not the teeny-tiny Princess one they allegedly […]

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Investing in evil rocks!

Investing in evil rocks! My Monsanto Company stock is up 1% in the one hour I’ve had it. That’s roughly one billion % p.a. or roughly one %point for each atom in the known universe during the time I spent at Aarhus Universitet. If only I’d spent that time on evil instead of some dumb education, […]

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Am I the only one who gets i̶r̶r̶a̶t̶i̶o̶n̶a̶l̶l̶y̶ very justifiably angry at Microsoft Word whenever I see its ugly kerning? I feel like typing up a harshly worded letter, setting it using Comic Papyrus, and sending it to Microsoft’s Chief Kerning Officer or Chief Typography Officer or whoever is responsible for this abomination. While the […]

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