Been spending the morning in “boring” enough to be blessedly free of children, listening to some Britney while looking at some half-a-milennium-old religious knick knacks for that truly religious experience. Then it struck me: what if it is really just a case of “ye olde English” spelling, and his name was really Shake Spears? […]

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ato̧̕m̀͡i̴̷̛c̨͝t͝҉͡h̷҉u̵̶m͜͞b͏͝s̀́ on Twitter

Dunno whether to laugh or cry. This is a Tesla ex-engineer talking about working conditions and quality control at Tesla. For those that don’t want to go thru everything (or perhaps don’t get the technobabble, it is really bad. – Some cars rely on technology that is being phased out (2G) with no plan in […]

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