Warning: less than 7% of people who die in chocolate-related accidents survive the ordeal. Therefore chocolate is dangerous! To safeguard the population against the dangers of cocoaey goodness, the government has set up an emergency station at Weverstraat 2, where you can deposit all your chocolate and it will be destroyed in a secure manner […]

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Er danskere virkelig så dumme, de falder for det samme gamle trick igen? Tilsyneladende. Scene: politikere skal finde finansiering til et eller andet område på grund af fordi. De finder financieringen ved at finde noget, “alle” er enige om, ikke bør skæres ned. Alle hopper direkte på kanariefuglen og starter et oprør af de værste: […]

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Euclid: The Game

Ever been thumbing thru your copy of Euclid’s Elements and thought to yourself that “gee golly, this is super entertaining, but I sure wish it was more like a computer game?” Can’t help you with your internal monologue speech impediment, but now you have the answer to the eternal question “what is basic geometry good […]

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