Tag: Weverstraat
Art, determination, or just plain laziness? After 4 years of refraining from trashing toilet paper rolls, the base-20 pyramid is finally complete in its 210 roll glory. Toilet paper: we put the #art in #fart. […]
Ever since my watch started bugging me to stand up every hour, I’ve made a habit out of using that time to pack one box for the upcoming relocation of Casa Spears, and now it looks as if a Sligro barfed all over. I 𝘬𝘯𝘦𝘸 saving all those boxes instead of returning them for deposit […]

I decided to do a bit of redecoration. I basically wanted a new display for VIM and FCP, so on an impulse after a long lunch, I got and installed this guy: Unfortunately, this does not leave enough space to the right for my self, which then had to go to my autograph-corner: This left […]
More Britney

I had accumulated a couple posters and decided to hang them up. In total, I added 10 posters and one calendar, for an improvement of 111%, more than doubling the number of Britney posters in my two rooms. My bedroom (the one on the left is not new): Bedroom from another angle (the Femme Fatale […]

Decided that having all my concert memorabilia lying in a big pile wasn’t a good solution. Before the great reorganization: After getting a pin-board (which, by the way is more difficult than getting a record player these days): MichaelTime person of the year 2006, Nobel Peace Prize winner 2012. westergaard.eu/ […]