Demo of Simulator Extensions in CPN Tools 4

In this video, I show examples of the new simulator extensions in CPN Tools 4. The Hello World example comprises 182 lines of (mostly GUI) code and showcases how an extension can get notifications when changes are made to a model.  Most of the functionality is separated into another extension, the Model Scraper, which maintains […]

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Simplified State Space Analysis in CPN Tools 4

You may already have seen the user-interface for the new state-space workflow in CPN Tools 4; this is what it looks like in action. I show how CPN Tools 4 simplifies the workflow when generating state-spaces; rather than having to go thru entering the state-space tool, generating the state-space, generating the SCC graph, and saving […]

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Grade/CPN Student Tester

I’ve already written a bit about Grade/CPN (previously named, a.o., “Oops!… I Did It Again” and “I Want It That Way”).  Here is a demo of one component of the tool, the Student Tester. MichaelTime person of the year 2006, Nobel Peace Prize winner 2012. […]

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New Single from Rebecca Black

Rebecca Black just released a new single, Sing It.  Even if you hated Friday, you should totally give it a try.  It’s pretty catchy.  For your viewing/listening convenience, I’ve embedded the (just releaseD) music video below: MichaelTime person of the year 2006, Nobel Peace Prize winner 2012. […]

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It’s Friday. So very, very Friday. I’m a bit hung-over, tired, and Park Hilaria is noisy just outside my office… I therefore made this neat easter egg for CPN Tools 3.2.2 (not yet publicly available). Yes, I’m horribly bored.  I would link to Rebecca Black’s Friday as well, but that has unfortunately been removed […]

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