Anybody knows of good tools for interfacing with the Gitlab API? I’m basically looking for a public bug-tracker backed by GitLab which does not require account creation and does not require a public repository. Preferably a) one that can just be deployed as a WordPress plug-in and b) another one which can work from a […]

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Gotta love those jokers at FedEx – they set up this cool little treasure hunt for me! 😀 😀 😀 ^_^ ☼.☼ (◕‿◕✿) ツ They tried delivering a bag of Britney Spears goodies yesterday around noon, discovered I wasn’t home, and left a note to make a new appointment. Now, their Track-and-trace informs me, they […]

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I am a marketing genius. I guess that’s a special case of being an all kinds of genius. Here’s my idea: Coca-Cola should release an overpriced product for the enterprise market. Show how on-the-edge they are and produce it in an emerging market like Africa. They could have a slogan in the vein of “eCola, […]

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Just migrated a bunch of old stuff to It sure is a trip down memory lane to see repositories 14 years old, filled with writings of an angsty teenager, all projects and hand-ins from my entire university life, and source code from spur-of-the-moment programming projects finished or abandoned more than a decade ago: games […]

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