Interesting name facts: there are roughly 10 times as many people with last name Spears as with last name Westergaard in the world. Roughly 60% of all Westergaards live in Denmark. In the Netherlands, there are 4 more people surnamed Spears than there are people surnamed Westergaard. (2014 numbers) […]
Author: status
Posts by status
Hippie Kind of Day
Don’t think there’s any denying, I’ve had a pretty hippie kind of day sowing vegetables, flowers and cooking. […]
Does anybody know of a good time series database for images? Is that even a thing that exists? I’m thinking of something that will let me add (multiple streams of) images with timestamps, and select images from a time period with a certain granularity and export them – bonus points if it can generate a […]
Now we just need some “alternative maths” to make 33+19+19 > 75. That math could be Z/24Z. […]
Don’t forget that votes for PVV, CA, SP, GL, SGP, and PvdD should be placed tomorrow and not today. […]
Just exercised my privilege and duty in a democracy, and placed my vote. Wait, that didn’t come out right. As an expat, I’m of course not allowed to vote for Parliament anywhere. Always confuse the two. […]