During the last week (or half week, really), I had started migrating most of my current(ish) stuff from my old web-page to my blog, and today I made the switch completely. […]
Category: Uncategorized
Britney Figure
MichaelTime person of the year 2006, Nobel Peace Prize winner 2012. westergaard.eu/ […]
New Door-sign
As my computer was mostly useless due to running Windows in a VM and some pretty heavy document conversion, I decided to use whatever little power was left to create a nice new door-sign for my office, no that my french space-filler has left. MichaelTime person of the year 2006, Nobel Peace Prize winner 2012. […]
Halfway There
I’ve now printed half of the copies of the proceedings for the CPN Workshop. Each copy takes around 28 minutes, so 40 (or maybe even 50) really takes quite a while. MichaelTime person of the year 2006, Nobel Peace Prize winner 2012. westergaard.eu/ […]
More Videos
I'm still making videos (as well as printing). Latest productions below. They show how to do off-line analysis in ASAP, outlines the JoSEL specification for generating a standard report, and, more interestingly, shows how to do hash compaction and how to combine the hash compaction method with the sweep-line method as well as how to […]
More Slide-making…
I'm still making slides for the ASAP tutorial. Or, rather, I'm still making heaps of videos. The below videos shows how to use the sweep-line method in ASAP, how to change the safety checker to instead use the sweep-line method, and how to draw and export the state space graph. These videos are a bit […]