CPN Tools 4: Minor Features

Aside from the big new features, CPN Tools 4 also introduces a lot of useful minor features.  Here is a mixed grab-bag of those.  In this post, I’ll show the new model statistics, new simulation stop criteria, and the simplified state-space analysis. Model Statistics It is often useful to know some statistics of a model […]

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New Declare Package in ProM

ProM has had support for Declare for quite some time.  Support has never been the best, because the Declare package just embedded all of the Declare tool inside ProM, which is of course not desirable.  The old data-structure had some problems, mostly that it was written for a different purpose, which made it have dependencies […]

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This is pretty Britsome!

Wolfram|Alpha now does estimations. Also, it brings back memories to one Friday where we decided to figure out how many Olsen (cubic light years of beer) could theoretically fit in the universe if the universe’s mass was all beer. Then, we spent a good half hour looking for estimates of the mass of the universe, […]

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Dear Paypal…

Dear online services everywhere (in particular PayPal), You do not increase security by asking browser not to remember passwords. You decrease security. The consequence is that either I defect to another service, or I go with the equivalent of “password123” on your site. Allowing my browser to remember the password increases security, because then I […]

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BI, or boredness-index is the new buzzword.  So, how can we measure this very interesting concept?  One scientifically sound way is by the number of Facebook posts made a week.  Normally, this value is hard to measure, but as I started copying all my Facebook status messages to my own blog last year, I have […]

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