Today is Friday. So very, very much Friday… MichaelTime person of the year 2006, Nobel Peace Prize winner 2012. […]
Category: Videos
Back to the 90s
Following up on a super-fun Friday in Valkenswaard to see Guus Meeuwis, Karan, Edwin and I decided to warm up for the 80s/90s party in the evening at the Effenaar with another visit to Valkenswaard for a 90s party. At first, the place was a bit dead: After a few beers, things started looking better, […]
Guus Meeuwis @ De Eerste Valkenswaardse Zomerfeesten
Amazing unplanned idea: go to summer festival in rural Valkenswaard. Guus Meeuwis was by far the best-known artist to perform, so Friday seemed a bit like a Guus Meeuwis concert with warm-up (especially since we missed the first band, BZB (Band Zonder Banaan)). Warm-up band, Edwin, and Karan: Guus gets on stage: The crowd. Yes, […]
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Camp Christ
We visited Camp Christ for a reception and a shot of Jesus. This may be blasphemous ((I surely hope it is.)), but I'm 99% sure Jesus was an alcoholic, because I tasted generous amounts of his blood and got pretty drunk. Edit: Fixed video. MichaelTime person of the year 2006, Nobel Peace Prize winner 2012. […]
We Are Famous! Beer Tasting @ Roskilde 2011
Stine, Per, and I at a beer tasting of lukewarm beers at Roskilde 2011. Original video and article in Danish here (Google translate). In our defense, this was far from our first beers on that day and I had not had dark beers for half a year. MichaelTime person of the year 2006, Nobel Peace […]
Access/CPN 2.0 — A High-level Interface to Coloured Petri Net Models
And here’s the demo I gave on the demo slide: MichaelTime person of the year 2006, Nobel Peace Prize winner 2012. […]
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