Because I’m young and hip, I signed up for  It’s like Twitter, except you have to pay for it.  The idea is that if you pay, you are the customer instead of the product, which (the theory dictates) gets rid of annoying advertising and selling your personal information. I found another great innovation in […]

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Maybe I’m just easily amused, but today is Parallels day.  I naturally upgraded like so many times before.  I just received my registration information and got amused as Mail automatically grouped the registration with a couple previous receipts.  It’s funny to see how (and how little) the message has changed over the years.  Also, it […]

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Proof by Timeline

Making slides.  Decidability result: Edit: Ffffuuuuu…! This doesn’t work.  Have to change precedence to response (I think that works at least…) Edit 2: This works.  Wrong version below. Edit 2: Wrong stuff below; it is actually possible to make this bounded. […]

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Simplified State Space Analysis in CPN Tools 4

You may already have seen the user-interface for the new state-space workflow in CPN Tools 4; this is what it looks like in action. I show how CPN Tools 4 simplifies the workflow when generating state-spaces; rather than having to go thru entering the state-space tool, generating the state-space, generating the SCC graph, and saving […]

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Simplified State Space Analysis in CPN Tools 4

Here, I show how CPN Tools 4 simplifies the workflow when generating state-spaces; rather than having to go thru entering the state-space tool, generating the state-space, generating the SCC graph, and saving the report manually, CPN Tools keeps track of which steps have been performed and automatically performs any outstanding steps. This makes it possible […]

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Look at the Petri Colors!

You may have discovered I’m merging Declare with CPN Tools (mostly because I cannot shut up about it).  Right now, I’m facing a problem…  Merging two super-overlapping color schemes. CPN Tools uses colors to identify various statuses of elements.  The most important (as in I don’t remember whether there are others…) are: The top row […]

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