Intro to the New Operational Support Service

For the last couple weeks, I've been working on a new operational support service with, among others, Joyce Nakatumba and Fabrizio Maggi.  Work has basically been focusing on two points: making a new protocol with support for sessions and making a meta-model for queries, supporting more structured requests and, in particular, responses. After spending some […]

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Playing With/Suffering SlickerBox

In ProM we use SlickerBox, a library providing a pretty neat skinning of Swing. Unfortunately, SlickerBox is very time-consuming and difficult to use if you go beyond the (very few) supported widgets. I wanted to set up a preferences pane for the new operational support service, and for shit and giggles decided to actually make […]

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Operational Support vs. Predator

After a poll on Facebook and Twitter, the name of the new version of operational support was determined to appropriately be Operational Support vs. Predator — it may seem like we are just cashing in on two fan-bases, but, hey, if it sells! […]

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The Joy of a Wired Network

Sometimes a wireless network is nice. Like when you take your laptop to the balcony to work in the sun or surfing on your iPad because brushing teeth is boring, but for actually moving around data, nothing beats a good wired network. I’m just rearranging some backups (as my Tame Capsule is filling up and […]

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