Sort Efterår (Black Fall) 2010

For ages it has been a tradition that every spring and fall we pack a bag full of black beers, jump on a bus and drive far away from the pubs in the city center, only to walk back, emptying our backs during the cause and ending up at various places selling beers afterwards.  At […]

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Lady Gaga Concert in Herning

On Wednesday, October 20, Lady Gaga gave a concert in Herning, and naturally I was there to witness it.  The pictures are not as good as the ones I took at the Britney Concert last year, and around half or two thirds in, I stupidly decided to switch away from sport (short) exposure to night […]

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Why Workers’ Unions, Equal Wages and Minimum Wages are as bad as Monopolies and Cartels

Here I’ll argue that workers’ unions have similarities to monopolies and that equal/minimum wages have similarities with cartels, and note the difference in how these are dealt with. Monopolies and Cartels Monopolies have a bad ring to them.  Nobody likes monopolies, in peoples’ minds manifested as huge, greedy monsters stealing your money.  Cartels are just […]

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Couch Modeling: CPN Tools on iPad?

As a follow-up on my post showing CPN Tools on OS X, I now give to you: CPN Tools on iPad: Again, no, this isn’t true.  I’m really just running Air Display on my iPad and connect it to my Mac, which has the new Parallels 6 (which is mighty shiny in itself) and a […]

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