So, here’s an interesting Java issue I came about last week. Java EE supports annotating methods using an @Transactional annotation. If you’re familiar with it, it’s similar to the synchronized keyword except on the database level. It also is if you’re not familiar with synchronized. Transactional supports setting how transactions should be picked up – […]
Tag: Coloured Petri nets
Is Google’s Go-bot a Breakthrough for Artificial Intelligence?
If you know Betteridge’s Law of Headlines, you immediately know the answer is “no.” The answer, much like kids, is not really the interesting part however; what is interesting is the process of getting there. Go, like chess and most other games, has been conceptually solved for many years. So many that I as a […]
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User Scenarios Considered Harmful

Programming can be complex. Modern systems can include many inputs from users. Inputs that each need to be checked, processed, and results returned back to users. A simple interface to the user may support many usage scenarios and many error scenarios. Here I’ll make a case for not bothering with trying to figure out these […]
Custom Dining Philosophers Visualization in CPN Tools using Simulator Extensions

User-contributed simulator extension making neat visualizations in CPN Tools. Here we see the dining philosophers with a pedagogical illustration all running inside CPN Tools. MichaelTime person of the year 2006, Nobel Peace Prize winner 2012. […]
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Advanced Visualization in CPN Tools 4

Here I show how to use and develop high-level visualization primitives with CPN Tools 4. MichaelTime person of the year 2006, Nobel Peace Prize winner 2012. […]
Real Colorsets in CPN Tools 4

In this video, I demonstrate three new types available in CPN Tools 4: intinf, real, and time. MichaelTime person of the year 2006, Nobel Peace Prize winner 2012. […]