Userfriendly! Nobody understood which hole was for what (insert sexual innuendo as desired), so they put on a label. Now, it’s so clear!?!?

Userfriendly! Nobody understood which hole was for what (insert sexual innuendo as desired), so they put on a label. Now, it’s so clear!?!? […]

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Pop-Week Day 2: Melanie C

For the second instalment of the pop-week, let’s go with the talented Spice Girl, Melanie Chrisholm (aka Sporty Spice): Melanie just released a new album (justish) and is working on the musical Jesus Christ Superstar. MichaelTime person of the year 2006, Nobel Peace Prize winner 2012. […]

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Pop-Week Day 1: Backstreet Boys

If you are a regular reader (or a stalker), you may remember my glorious 12 Days of Britmas from a couple years ago.  After my glorious duckface for VD, I thought up something similar. Inspired by the true rainbow week, I decided to wear a B-shirt with a different pop icon every day of this […]

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A nice breakfast (along with a pint, naturally). Unlike the Danish version the Dutch version is not pickled.

A nice breakfast (along with a pint, naturally). Unlike the Danish version the Dutch version is not pickled. […]

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Worse than Windows 3.11. I made sure to install no updates, but I don’t think I’m gonna get and virus problems, because I spent something like half an hour unsuccessfully trying to install a network adaptor and get on the Internet.

Worse than Windows 3.11. I made sure to install no updates, but I don’t think I’m gonna get and virus problems, because I spent something like half an hour unsuccessfully trying to install a network adaptor and get on the Internet. […]

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Perfect shirt for VD. Also, despite having better options I went with a duckface bathroom picture, because that’s how we young people roll these days! And look! Comic Sans!

Perfect shirt for VD. Also, despite having better options I went with a duckface bathroom picture, because that’s how we young people roll these days! And look! Comic Sans! […]

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