Let’s not get carried away and say things we can’t take back about queen whatsherface and king whatswrongwithhisface’s kid. Let’s not use superlatives like “cute,” “looks like any other baby,” or “a human raisin,” but let’s try and keep it in the realm of reality and conclude it “you can barely see the immense inbreeding” […]

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Mars Argo SUES ThatPoppy and Titanic Sinclair for Copyright Infringement! | What’s Trending Now!

I found it! The most internet thing on the internet! (Also, fucked up if true.) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jZ4t9UYlIS0 […]

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Invest in my crypto-startup now! We create a forum for killer robots to track and monetize how many humans they catch and eat. But on the blockchain. PayPal me some filthy fiat currency, and I’ll get right on emailing you some crypto tokens or whatever. NOTE: totally not a scam! NOTE 2: by “monetize” we […]

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