Author: status
Posts by status
Two fish were in the same tank. One asked the other: “Do you know how to drive this?” […]
Stand with Michael Westergaard […]
I like to grow my own vegetables so I know exactly what I am eating. As I’m no damn-dirty bright-eyed naive hippie, that means loads of fertilizer and round-up, because only with modern biotech can we feed everybody, also those unfortunate enough not to be born in a rich country where we can afford the […]
Anybody got a good algorithm for generating a subset S of the power-set P(A) of a given set A, so that for any subset B of A, exactly one of B and A-B is in S? Preferably the smallest one. Sure, I can just generate the power-set and post-process it, but power-sets are big, so […]
Time of my Life
The entire band dancing to "Time of my Life," improvised reenactment of the Dirty Dancing jump, and crowd surfing. I think they were happy it was the last night of the tour. […]