I’ve been staying clear of Alibaba for the longest of time, but last week I needed some cheap doodads and succumbed. The Chinese crow-like affection for shiny aligns perfectly with my ditto, and I’ve now ordered 4 iPhone cases in various degrees of shininess. Fun fact: most shiny phone cases are targeted towards Samsung phones […]

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So, I bought the latest issue of Marie Claire. Largely for Britney reasons, but I must admit I do enjoy guessing what the advertisements are for. First is probably bracelets of sorts. Rings. Wearing bowls on your head. More bowls on head but it says the name of my deodorant. Biker gangs are cool and […]

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Teori: regeringens udspil er designet dygtigt til at aflede folk og mediers opmærksomhed. 1) 5% topskattelettelse men kun i bunden; LA har noget at hyle over og at stille ultimative krav om. De kan få deres 5% hele vejen og erklære sig som vindere uden at det reelt koster noget, og uden at få nogen […]

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Hey NASA, call me if you want a fool-proof design for a space elevator! It’s quite simple really. Surround Donald Trump by a handful Mexicans and have them insult his hands or other throwaway John Oliver-funny insults. Each will be followed by “the wall just got 10 feet higher.” When the wall reaches the moon, […]

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