I’ve not been a person to watch of lot of TV since around 2000. As a kid, we didn’t have cable TV or satellite, but had just the initially one and later two aerial channels that existed. When I moved out from my parents’ I had a brief stint with cable, albeit never out of […]
Category: Uncategorized
NFTs: Good or Bad?
The latest crypto hype is NFTs. That’s not to say that NFTs are new or revolutionizing, just that it is the scam that has been going around lately and is now on the way out for the next scam, Web 3. In this post, I’ll explain what NFTs are and what they are not, how […]
The Great Online Activist Experiment
In many places in Europe, there’s talk about introducting 2G measures against Covid. At least, 2G is the Dutch name (short for genezen (recovered), gevaccineerd (vaccinated), as opposed to 3G, genezen, gevaccineerd, getest; 75% of all Dutch words begin with ge-, so we can make neat abbreviations like that). The crux of these measures is […]
The Disney+ User Interface Sucks!

I don’t really watch TV, so while I’ve had Netflix and Amazon Prime subscriptions in the past, they provide too little value for me for the price. Disney+ is a pretty good compromise. The price is low and it has low-intelligence content I can watch while biking. I also have an AppleTV+ subscription (free with […]
NFTs are F̵u̵n̵g̵u̵s̵ Fungible
NFTs are the new hotness in crypto. Or rather, it was the new hotness half a year ago, but my blog is not a news site, so I don’t have to bring breaking news. And really, NFTs were the hotness in 2017, but most bitcoiners don’t remember that and were running different scams back then […]
Spring Webflux and Native for Microservices – Ready for Primetime?
The short answer is no, not yet. For the longer answer read on, including to see when the two actually are ready for primetime. Spring Webflux is a project attempting to fuse Spring MVC and reactive programming. Reactive programming replaces native threads with lightweight threads and cooperative multi-tasking. It is basically like upgrading from Windows […]
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