Spring Webflux and Native for Microservices – Ready for Primetime?

The short answer is no, not yet. For the longer answer read on, including to see when the two actually are ready for primetime. Spring Webflux is a project attempting to fuse Spring MVC and reactive programming. Reactive programming replaces native threads with lightweight threads and cooperative multi-tasking. It is basically like upgrading from Windows […]

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Automatic Deployment of Spring Boot 2.0 Applications to Kubernetes using Maven, Fabric8 and GitLab CI

If that title doesn't give you like 2 or 3 lines in bullshit bingo, nothing except a meeting with a Scrum coach can help you there.  It's accurate, though.  It's a thing that should be extremely simple, yet either my Google-Fu is too weak or nobody else on the entirety of the internet and by […]

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