Yes! Meet and Greet with Britney Spears!

Lookie what I got: If you don’t think that’s insanely awesome you a) are dead inside, b) are dead to me, and c) haven’t seen this: So there! Item 1 is insanely awesome in itself, but number two is to die for! Also, I have this, but that seems quite tame now: In unrelated ((Very related.)) news, […]

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Anybody Knows How to Set Up Twitter-like Service for WordPress?

So, I’ve been thinking about this thing I want.  The idea is that: spamming people with valuable information, such as when I got to the crapper, is very easy with things like Twitter, and posting deeper thoughts, such as pictures of the food before I went to the shitter and musings about Britney, is very […]

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How Much Memory is Needed to Store a Log?

I’ve been looking a bit at log representations in ProM.  We are using the XES standard and the OpenXES implementation.  This was prompted by me wondering why ProM was so slow at handling logs.  Many of the things ProM did with logs, I could replicate in a short time (i.e., less than an hour) in […]

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