Open-sourcing CPN Tools

At work, we’re in the process of open-sourcing CPN Tools.  While many open-source fanatics will tell you it’s just about releasing the source, anybody who has actually tried doing so, knows it’s not that easy.  Normally, you need to sanitize the code (make sure it contains no secrets/too embarrassing stuff), write some documentation on how […]

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The Fairy-tale of the Incompetency of Dan-Ejendomme as

You’d think that more than half a year after moving out of a place, you’d stop getting (dead-wood) mail from your previous landlord, right? Well, Dan-Ejendomme as still contacts me…

Subsequently, I would like to draw attention to the fact that the time allowed for payment is December 9, 2010 and that your reminder is dated December 7, 2010. Assuming time solely flows forward, this fact has non-negligible causality problems. […]

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