5 years ago, I wrote about how I used Evernote and an iPhone app for tracking todo items. I still do that, but the app has been defunct for ages. So, I decided to make a new one. […]
Evernote Todo

5 years ago, I wrote about how I used Evernote and an iPhone app for tracking todo items. I still do that, but the app has been defunct for ages. So, I decided to make a new one. […]
I’ve a ton of great ideas for things to do with Petri nets. Colored nets in particular. CPN Tools ships with a great simulator, which is both fast and versatile. Unfortunately, it is extremely cumbersome to use. Therefore, I am working on a great project I like to cal CPNaaS – Colored Petri Nets as […]
Today, it’s exactly 3 years ago my awesome profile picture was taken. That means, it’s also 3 years ago I got a high-score when stepping on the scale, netting me (with a margin even) a membership to the 0,1 ton club. Along with a fresh new diagnosis for hypertension, that put me just 3 pints […]
Oh hey, look what I got. Guess it only shows that my long tirade on reviewing was right (you should totally click that link and read it if you have any interest in scientific reviewing) Despite the typo probably having you think I’m the best at looking at pictures in awkward formats, it’s really […]
Global warming or not, coal and oil are not the best energy sources. Wouldn’t it be great to use something else like sun or wind? Then why don’t we?
Well, there are a couple reasons. Current sustainable energy sources in the form of solar and wind are quite bad. Furthermore, the current generation is not really renewable either, and we have other options with a bigger positive impact on the environment. […]
Read More… from The Sustainable Energy Scam and the Lack of Perspective
CPN Tools is usually known for modeling with colored Petri nets. Colored Petri nets augment standard place-transition Petri nets (PT-nets) with data types, and as such are a real extension that can easily embed PT-nets. PT-nets come with a couple extensions that are crucial for this lower-level formalism, but which can be emulated in colored […]